
The word ‘Dosha' is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Dosh' it means the defect. According to Ayurveda, there are three basic forces working in the body to control the all physiological activities of the body. These ‘Doshas’ are the ‘Vata’, the ‘Pitta’ and the ‘Kapha'. When these basic forces get misbalanced it disturbs the physiological activities of the body that leads to misbalance the tissue activities and excretions. This disturbance in physiological activities leads to developing pathology of different disease so, these three forces are named ‘Dosha' means the defector of the body. While in the normal stage it maintains the health of the body. All the three different Doshas’-‘Vata’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’ are different in their character and function. In Ayurveda, it is said that these three Doshas’ – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are representative of Air, Sun (heat) and Water respectively in nature. When ‘Vata’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha' is in harmony it maintains the healthy state of life and likewise when Air, Sun(heat) and Water is in harmony flourished the life in nature. When they get disturbed ‘Vata’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’ develops disease and Air, Sun(heat) and Water ruined the life in nature respectively.

As per science, we can say Pitta and Kapha represent the hot and cold forces in the body and the third force appear as vatta to balance the both. The Vata possess some opposite character of both. It acts as the current that flows in the wire when connected to the two opposite poles. The current is Vata and its character is moving on. Pitta is Positive poll and Kapha is the negative pole.

Physiology going on in the body is called metabolism, this metabolism is comprised of anabolism (the formation of substance) and catabolism (the breakdown of substance). Anabolism activity is under control of Kapha Dosha and catabolism activity comprised under Pitta Dosha and the Vata keep control and regulation of both the activities. So, the activities like digestion where the ingested food is broken down into their primary constituent like glucose from carbohydrate, the amino acid from protein and fatty acid and glycerol from fats are done by pitta. Kapha takes parts in the formation of different tissue protein and hormones from different amino acid. Vata mobilizes these products to the different part of the body as per their requirement.

Places of domination in the body –
Upper part of the body is dominated by Kapha dosh. The middle part is dominated by Pitta and the lower part dominated by Vayu. Variation in dosha dominance in the body –
Domination of Doshas in the body changes as per age, season and daytime

a) Age- In childhood, Kapha Dosha dominates in the body because the water part in the body is in excess. And anabolism activities are more than catabolic activities. Growth cells are more in the body. We see child are more prone to have a cough and cold.

b) Season- In winter Kapha Dosha is dominated so, the cough and cold develop in these days, in summer pitta Dosha dominated so heat stroke diarrhea develops in these days and in rainy season Vata Dosha dominated so arthritis pain gets aggravated and asthmatic problem aggravated in these days.

c) Daytime- In the morning atmosphere is cold and have excess moisture so this time Kapha Dosha dominated. It is a good time to nourish Kapha Dosha that gives strength to the body and keep the body lubricating. So, to drink water, juice and liquid food in the morning is healthy. As the midday moister get reduced and atmosphere temperature raised, Pitta Dosha in the body dominated so this time is good to have lunch. Digestive fire is at its peak so food gets digested properly. And at last in evening time moister gets reduced to its lowest level and the atmosphere becomes dry and atmospheric temperature goes down so it is the time of the domination of Vata Dosha. This time body gets tired of doing whole day work and body need rest. Likewise, the first phase of the night is under the domination of Kapha, midnight in the domination of pitta and pre-morning time as Vata. We see most of the heart attack or stroke problem attack in the pre-morning time.

Prakruti the body types- As the physiological activities of the body is controlled by Doshas the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Body types are divided into seven categories as per their domination.
Prakruti(Constitution):- Prakruti is the inborn nature of human beings. It is not only the nature of human beings but it also emphasizes the bodily activities like metabolic activity of the body, digestive power, immunity power etc. it is decided in the womb at the time of fertilization of zygote. The Doshas play an important role in deciding the inborn nature (Constitution) of the body.
In the language of modern medicine, we can say the activity of chromosome during synapses where transfer of gene takes place and makes the foot print of new born. Ayurveda explain it in terms of Prakruti or Constitution. According to an Ayurvedic theory the Dosha dominating in the womb at the time of fertilization decide the constitution of the body. That work as a foot print of new born.
In the concept of modern medicine, we can explain it following ways- The gene present in the chromosome should be classified according to the property of Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta & Kapha. The type of gene dominating at the time of synapses decides the foot print of new born.
Knowing of one’s constitution is very important for the treatment of an individual as well as to keep himself healthy. It gives guidelines for intake of food and conduct to keep him healthy. It is not intellectual that all should take same type food and have same type of conduct to keep them healthy but it varies according to their constitution and body type. Medicine also works according to the body constitution so medicine does not give same effect on all body.
Now we are researching in genetic engineering to know the various facts of this body and recognizing the gene responsible for different characters. We also come to know that there are genes responsible for diseases.
In short it is very important to know one’s constitution to keep himself healthy and during treatment of disease suffering from. Ayurveda gives detail knowledge of body constitution that is called Prakruti. But it is not easy to practice in our life without having deep knowledge of it. So guidense of expert is required.
There are seven basic types of prakruti –
A) Vatta
B) Pitta
C) Kapha
D) Vatta-Pitta
E) Vatta-Kapha
F) Kapha-Pitta
G)Samdosh (mixed type)

These names are according to the dominating doshas in the body and there are above seven possibilities of dominance.
Property and action of Doshas-
1) Vata- Property- dry, light, cold, rough, minute and mobile Action- happiness and emotions, respiration, movement, discharging of urine and fecal material, controlling the tissue activity, activity of sense organs
2) Pitta- Property- penetrating but oily, hot in potency, light, pungent smell, fluidity and liquid. Action- Digestion, heat generation, vision power, appetite, thirst, love, glow on skin, intellect, memory, talent, tenderness, slim.
3) Kapha- Property- unctuous, cold, heavy, slow action, sticky, smooth, immobile Action- Firmness, unctuousness, moisturized, humble, bear hardship
Effects of dosha on Agni or digestive power –

There are four types of Agni according to the domination of different Doshas in the body.
a) Sama Agni
b) Vishama Agni
c) Tikshna Agni
d) Manda Agni

At the balanced state of dosha, digestion power i.e. Agni of the body remains in the Samagni i.e. normal stage of digestion. When there is domination of Vata in the body then digestive power becomes Vishamagni. At this stage one time people fills hungry and at another time his hunger is gone. Sometimes digestion power is good and at the next time his digestion becomes poor. In the domination of Pitta dosha digestive power get aggravated, it is called Tikshnagni. It develops burning sensation in the epigastric region and sour throat etc. in the domination of Kapha digestive power diminished it is called Mandagni. In this stage anorexia, fullness of stomach and filling heaviness in the stomach develops. Ingested food does not digest properly.

Types of different states of Doshas- There are mainly three category of vitiation of Doshas
a) Diminished and exacerbation in the action of single Doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta or Kapha
b) Sansarga is the vitiation of two of the three doshas at the same time
c) Sanipata is the vitiation of all the three doshas at the same time.

TRIDOSHA (A SCIENTIFIC APPROCH TO EXPLAIN TRI-DOSHA) As we Know the Tridosha ( Vata, Pitta & Kapha) has a key place in Ayurvedic treatment but it is still very difficult to explain it in scientific way. I am trying my best to explain it scientifically on the basis of Pancha mahabhoot.
We see that Tridoshas are mainly involved in the physiological activities of body where as Mahabootas are the building blocks of the body. Tridosha are always explained in terms of Pancha Mahabhoota. As we say Kapha is dominated with Jala & Prithvi Maha Bhoot. This way we see that the Tridoshas are the Kinetic forces of the Maha Bhoota that play main role in controlling all the activities of universe. According to Ayurvedic references Sun (Pitta-Agni) do the work of absorbing or drying (Adan), Soma (Kapha) do the action of moistening (Visarga) and Wind (Vata) do the action of movement (Vikshepan).
To explain it better we can take an example of Electric energy. In Electric energy there are two poles one is positive and another is negative. When there is difference in the current of two poles and wire is connected to it, current flow through it i.e. electron from its higher potential to its lower potential. If we compare all these activities to the Tridosha than we will be able to understand it better. Here we can compare positeve poll to the pitta or Agni and Negative poll to the Kapha (Prithabvi & Jala) than the current running in between the poles (Pitta & Kapha ) is Vata.
In the atmosphere also we see current flows from high pressure area to low pressure area to equalize the pressure. Likewise Vata in the body always try to equalize the Kapha and Pitta in the body to its state of equilibrium. When this stage of equilibrium is hampered by any cause disease is developed within the body. Same thing occur in universe and storm, earth quack like of things occur in disequilibrium state.

The first two Mahabhoota Akash & Vayu together forms the Kinetic force that is Vata. Both the Mahabhoota are invisible so the vata dosha is invisible and only experienced by its action.
Agni itself can’t reside without any material forms. It is the Kinetic force of Pitta. Agni is the fire which is combination of heat and light. Agni is responsible for the sense of vision. We cannot see without light.
It is the main energy form responsible for conversion of anything in the universe as well as within the body from one form to another. In the universe we see that energy (heat) is required for the initiation of any reaction. Reactions are of two types one consume energy where as other liberate it.
In the body its activity is experienced as digestion and metabolic activities where energy is produced and consumed. Energy is produced during cellular respiration and consumed during bodily activity.
Jala and Prithwi are the materialistic form that, have weight and are visible, forms the Kinetic form Kapha. Its main function is moistening or lubricating. Within the body it lubricates the joints and other moving parts of the body and combat their wear and tears. It also combats the drying effect of Vata.
This way we can say Tridoshas are Vital forces act on living body. So anatomically we cannot recognize Vata Pitta and Kapha in the body. We only can explain it by their actions and their locations as mentioned in the Ayurvedic text.