Ayurveda is composed of two Sanskrit words ‘Ayu' means life and ‘Veda' means science. Ayurveda is the science of life deals all about life it's healthy as well as the unhealthy aspects of life and the causes of disease and their prevention. So Ayurveda is the medical science that deals with the way of life, it’s healthy and unhealthy aspects and prevention of disease and their treatment. Its main aim is to prevent disease and to cure the disease.
The word ‘Ayu’ is defined as the combination state of Soul, Mind, Indrya (senses) and Pancha Mahabhoota (Five basic elements of the universe). Until this combination exists, the life persists otherwise life ends and death comes. In this combination state - Soul, Senses, and Mind are considered as the part of Sukshama Sharir (Astray life) and the Pancha mahabhoot gives the formation of Sthula sharira i.e. Physical body. Mind act as the connector between the two. Mind, Soul, and Senses are the invisible components of the body whereas Pancha Mahabhoota forms the visual physical part of the body i.e. cells, tissues, organs, and systems.
This life has four synonyms as per its quality -
Dhari (To sustain)
Jeevitam (Livelihood)
Nityagah (Going on)
Anubandha (Keep connected).
The word Dhari means to sustain the life. Until life exists, the body does not get destroyed; it maintained the livelihood of the body. It fights against the diseases or infections that may cause harm to it. We see after death when this combination of life is broken the physical body starts decaying. It means the combination state of life has the power to sustain the body alive. So it is named as Dhari or Sustained.
The word Jeevitam means Alive. The body remains alive till the combination of Soul, Senses, Mind and Physical body exist otherwise comes to death. Thus it is called Jeevitam necessary for Livelihood.
The word Nityagah means going on or have in the journey. It is said that life is a journey from birth to death where it goes through different stages of life that is childhood, adolescent, young and old age. These are the continuous process for each and every living body. So it is named as Nityagah means going on or in the journey.
The word Anubandha means to keep connected or intact. Life is the combination state of Soul, Mind, Senses and the body. These combinations remain intact till life exists. So it is called Anubandha meaning Intact.
Astray life i.e. Soul, Mind, and Senses are the key part of the body that controls all the functions of the body and is important for the sustaining of life. These parts are in the energy form so these parts do not destroy and finally merge into the main energy source i.e. is Paramatma the all mighty God after death. The state when these energy forms merge into the supernatural power i.e. God it is said Moksha or Nirvana. But this state of Nirvana (Spiritual release) does not come after death in each person's life but only a few persons get this chance. Because human beings life is bonded in his good or bad karma (Actions) that he performed in his life. He has to go to a new life after death as per his good or bad karma (Actions). To have Moksha it is necessary to perform Nishkama Karma i.e. work should be done without having wishes or work for well being of others. It is explained in detail in the Geeta a holy book of Hindu's. The flow of energy in the physical part of the body remains the life sustained and healthy. Whenever there is a disturbance in the flow of energy it brings disease or gives space for the development of disease state. Yoga is all about the science of flow of energy in the body that keeps the body healthy. It has so many techniques to correct the disturbed flow of energy.
The literal meaning of ‘Yoga' is to connect the physical body (materialistic part) to its astray-body i.e. energy form, and ultimately the astray-body to the supernatural power the all mighty God. Ancient Hindu monks and Rishi-Munis practices from the ancient time back and achieves their goal of nirvana i.e. spiritual release. During practices of Yoga, they gain supernatural power. By using this power they can do many unbelievable things. It is said that they can fly on the air they can walk on the water, which is impossible as per the knowledge of science. The flow of energy have different centers in the body these are called Chakras (Circle). These are not the anatomical structure but the energy center through which energy flows. As current flows in the wire, likewise, this energy flows in the body through different chakras. These chakras have controls on the different parts and different actions of the body.
There are total seven Chakras in the body -
1.Sahasrar Chakra
2.Agyan Chakra
3.Vishudha Chakra
4.Hruday Chakra
5.Manipur chakra
6.Swadhisthan Chakra
7.Mooladhar Chakra
Among them, Mooladhar chakra is the most powerful Chakra and contains a lot of energy. It lies at the base of the vertebral column near the anus. Energy flow from this chakra to upwards through different chakra and ultimately reaches to Sahasrara chakra the end chakra situated around the brain. From Shahshrar chakra again this energy flows towards Mooladhar chakra through Ingla Pingala Nadi i.e. spinal cord crossing all the chakras coming in between them. This flow of energy is continued till life exists. This flow of energy is similar to that in the magnet.
There are five compartments of energy level in the body-
Pranamaya Sharir (life) compartment
Vayumay Sharir (Air) compartment
Agnimay Sharir (Fire) compartment
Annamay Sharir (Food) compartment
Mansamay Sharir (Muscular or tissue) compartment
This way energy form of the body is connected to the physical body. We can see only physical part of the body. Life science deals with only this physical or anatomical body and their physiological body. Modern Science is unknown from this energy form of life. Science would have to gain more knowledge and have experiments to know about this energy form of life. Yoga not only explained about the energy form of the body but also the physical form of the body.
The great Ayurvedic scholar Charak classified four types of life on the social basis and health basis. These are Heet Ayu, Aheet Ayu, Sukha Ayu and Dukha Ayu. On the Social basis there are two types of life – Heet Ayu i,e helpful natured life this type of life (people) are helpful and of caring nature and always think about the goodness of other and society. This type of people is graced with Shukh Ayu i,e, healthy life. And the Aheet Ayu is just opposite of it and those people are graced with Dhukha Ayu i,e, unhealthy life suffering from diseases. This is a philosophical thinking that a man of good nature will have a healthy life and a man of cruel nature will have a sick life.