When dosha dhatu and mala of the body is in their state of equilibrium and soul mind and senses are in the state of harmony then the body is said to be healthy.
Doshas are the vital forces of the body that controls all the physiological activities i.e. metabolism of the body.

Altogether there are three doshas –
a) Vata, b) Pitta and c) Kapha.

Vata controls all the movement of the body. Pitta controls the digestive and other catabolism processes of the body. Kapha lubricates the body and controls the anabolic functions of the body. This way dosha controls all the physiological function of the body.

Dhatu forms the somatic structure of the body. There are seven Dhatus i.e. tissues in the body. They are rasa (Plasma or body fluid), Rakta (Blood), Mansa (muscular tissue), Meda (Adipose tissue), Asthi (Skeletal tissue), Majja (Nerve tissue) and Shukra (Reproductive tissue). Their functions are Rasa – Nutrition, Rakta – Jivan (Live), Mansa – covering, Meda – lubricate, Asthi – framework, Majja- fill up and Shukra- reproduction.
Atma (Soul), Mind and senses form the psychological part of the body. According to Ayurveda, the Mind has three stages – Satva (Pure state), Raja (Active state) and Tama (Dull state).

Satva is the healthy state of mind and Raja and Tama is the unhealthy stage. Raja forms the hyperactive mind and Tama forms the Hypoactive state of mind.

All these three states of mind changes in a cyclical way from one state to another. For example in the morning after awakening from sound sleep, mind is cool and calm, this is the Satva state. This is the energetic stage of mind. Then it changes into raja stage, it is the active stage. All thought process goes on this stage. But when the mental activity becomes hyperactive then it leads to unhealthy state leads anxiety, sleep disturbance, and memory loss. It is unhealthy stage of mind.

After that tama state comes when the mind becomes exhausted and need rest. And mind wants to go to sleep to rejuvenate its energy. This way the cycle of a different state of mind. goes on.

When the state of hypoactive of mind comes, it leads to an unhealthy state that leads to depression. It is unhealthy stage of mind. To be healthy one has to be physically as well as mentally fit.

Dincharya-The daily regimen

Ayurveda recommends the following activities or daily regimen–
a) Brahm muhurt – Brahm muhurta is the time 2 hrs before sun rise. At this time environment cool and calm. It is a good time to study and meditation. This is the time when natural urges appear. So, one who rise early in the morning do not face the problem of constipation. When you rise early in the morning you have sufficient time for exercise or yoga practice. Which help you to keep yourself fit and healthy.

b) Usha paan (Morning drinking of water) - It helps in washing out toxin through faces and urine. Warm water helps to improve bowel movement and give relief in constipation.

c) Mukh dhavan (Brushing teeth) – Our morning starts with brushing teeth; it keeps our teeth healthy. But the concept of brushing teeth is somewhat different in Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda brushing teeth is not merely a cleaning of teeth but it is a cleaning process of the whole mouth. It is a cleansing process of upper respiratory tract and buckle cavity. A plant twig is used for this process. At first plant twig is chewed to make it brush for cleaning teeth. In this process salivary gland secrets plenty of salivae it helps in cleaning teeth. And the juice poured from the twig gives extra effect in cleaning teeth. The juice of bitter taste has bactericidal effect for example neem. The juice of astringent taste has healing and protecting effect for example accasia. Then tooth is brushed with plant twig brush. Plant twig brush is very smooth so it does not erode the enamel layer of teeth. Plant twig of bitter taste, pungent taste, and astringent taste is used for brushing teeth. Bitter taste has a bactericidal effect. The pungent taste promotes secretion from the gland and washing out the dirt and debris from the mouth and upper respiratory tract and eye. Secretions from lacrimal gland wash out the eye and clean the nasolacrimal duct. Secretions from internal nasal mucous layer wash out the nasal cavity. It also cleans the sinus channels. This way it keeps the upper respiratory tract healthy prevents allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Salivary secretion cleans the teeth and mouth cavity. Saliva also has the bactericidal effect it kills the bacteria developed in the tooth and mouth cavity and cleanses the mouth cavity.

Astringent taste has a healing effect and it protects the gum and teeth from erosion. It protects the enamel erosion of teeth.

Tooth powder or paste used for brushing teeth should not be of sweet taste it does not have a bactericidal effect but it promotes the bacterial growth and also blocks the channels so it is unhealthy for teeth.

These days toothpaste used for brushing teeth contains antibacterial chemicals triclosan. Use of Triclosan in toothpaste is not a healthy practice. Neem and clove have natural bactericidal properties.

d) Asnan (Bath)- Bath is very essential to keep your body clean and hygienic. It also helpful to maintain body temperature. It indirectly regulates the metabolic activity of the body. It helps in keeping body fit and healthy. Regular bath keeps your mind cool and calm. It prevents from skin problem by cleaning the skin. It washes out the toxin of sweats and protect skin from infections. Taking bath early in the morning is more beneficial and helpful in keeping your self healthy. In general, taking bath in evening time may cause cough and cold. But in summer season taking bath in both time morning and evening is beneficial. It helps to keep the body cool; it also helps in good sleep. In case of fever taking bath is prohibited. Applying oil over the skin before taking bath removes dryness of the body and gives glow to the skin texture. This way regular taking bath is beneficial to keep yourself healthy.

e) Vyayam (Exercise)- It expels out body toxin through sweats and also moves out extra fats from the body. It gives strength to the muscles and tendon. It improves metabolic functions and give extra energy to the body, It burns the extra calorie of the body. It promotes the function of digestive fire. It gives extra breath capacity to lungs and improves stamina to work hard. It lowers the cholesterol and improve heart function. It keeps the body feet and light. It gives extra strength and power to the body. It Prevent the body from diseases like type 2 Diabetes and Obesity. So, one should do exercise regularly to keep their body fit.

f) Anjan (Kohl)- Appling anjan on the eye is a healthy habit. It prevents the infection in the eye. It cleans the blockage of lacrimal gland and nasolacrimal duct. Regular secretion of tear in the eye is helpful to keep the eye healthy. It also gives glow to the eye. It prevents to diminish the vision. Due to cleansing property of anjan it prevents to develop glaucoma and Catract.
Preparation of anjan- It is prepared from the smoke of lamp. Smoke is collected in the small bowl use to cover the lamp. Inner layer of bowl is coated with oil. In this lamp cotton cloth is burn in till oil. The cotton cloth is prepared by dipping it in the juice of bhringraj plant and then dried up to use it.

g) Nasya (instill oil in nostril) – Regular instillation of oil in each nostril prevent sneezing running nose sinusitis cough and cold. It also prevents allergic rhinitis.

h) Dhoompan (Medicinal smoking)- Dhoompan is beneficial to prevent cough and asthma.

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Tristambha the tri pillar of health-
a) Ahar (Food)
b) Nidra (Sleep)
c) Brahmacharya

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