Ayurvedaavtaran- Bringing Ayurveda from Devine Universe to Earth

Bhardwaj went to Devine universe to learn Ayurveda from Indra the head of Deity and brought ayurveda from devine to Earth.

When disease spread in the society it makes the life painful and unhealthy addition to that it, brings trouble to achieve the goal of Performing daily religious activities, to earn money, to attain different wishes and getting satisfaction. To bring solution of this trouble saint and scholar arrange a conference in the Himalayan region. There they came to decision that to learn Ayurveda is only the solution. They decided to send someone to learn Ayurveda to Indra the head of Deities. Saint Bhardwaj was selected for this work as he was very intelligent and have spiritual power to go to Devine universe to learn Ayurveda from Indra.

A. Devine Ayurveda - Indra get this knowledge from twin brother Ashwani kumar, who get this knowledge from Daksha Prajapati. Daksha Prajapati get this knowledge from Brahma the God of creation. Brahma Compiled Ayurveda before creation of world to get rid from the Diseases. This journey of Ayurveda from Brahma to Indra is called as Devine Ayurveda.

Devine Ayurveda

B. Laukika Ayurveda- Bhardwaj flourish Ayurveda on the Earth. Atrey Punarwashu learn Ayurveda from Bhardwaj and taught it to his six student- Agnivesh, Bhel, Jatukarna, Prashar, Harita and Ksharpani. All of the student write text on Ayurveda by them separately. But the book compiled by Agnivesha was accepted by most of the scholar. This book was recreated by Charaka an Ayurvedic scholar and later on completed by Dridhbala. This book is named as Charak Samhita. It is a famous book of Ayurvedic Medicine.

Laikika Ayurveda