Yoga - Spiritual Integration
Chakras are the different energy circle at different level and possess different property and structure. These energy circles are not an anatomical structure but it is a Subtle energy circle.
Situated in the brain. It has thousands of petals so its known as Shashrar Chakra.
Color - Violet , Vibrant sound - Silent
Situated at the base of the Brain between the eyebrows. It has 2 petals .
Color - Indigo , Vibrant sound - OM
Situated in the throat at sound box level near Adams apple. It has 16 petals.
Color - Blue , Vibrant sound - HAM
Situated in the chest at heart level. It has 12 petals.
Color - Green , Vibrant sound - YAM
Situated in the abdomen at naval level. It is also called as solar plexus.
Color - Yellow , Vibrant sound - RAM
Situated at the pubic level below pubic hair line. It has six petals.
Color - Orange , Vibrant sound - VAM
Situated at the base level near anus. Kundalini the Twisted energy lies in this energy circle.
Color - RED , Vibrant sound - LAM
This flow of energy is similar to that in magnet from North pole to South pole. When there is disturbance in flow of energy it disturb the physiological activity in the body which lead to develop pathological process and ultimately development of disease. This way we can say rectification of flow of energy can cure the disease. It can be achieved by regular practice of Yoga. Different posses of Yoga is beneficial in different diseases.
But ultimate goal of Yoga is to achieve the stage of Nirwan, the spiritual release means merging of self into Pramatma, the super spiritual power of the Universe.
Ashtanga yoga - Eight folds of yoga
To achieve this Nirvana stage eight fold of Yoga is formed. This eight fold of Yoga is called as Ashtanga Yoga.
The eight fold of Yoga are-
1. Yam - External Discpline
2. Niyam - Internal discpline
3. Asana - Posture
4. Pranayam - Breath control
5. Partihar - Withdrawl of senses
6. Dharna - Concentration
7. Dhyan - Meditative absorption
8. Samadhi - Spiritual Enlightment
The first two Yama and Niyama are the disciplinary habits to be practiced to brings purity in mind. The Asana and Pranayama is to maintain your health. The last four Partihara, Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi is the main practice to achieve the enlightment stage of Yoga, the integration of self with spiritual super power.
Yoga is a life style that keep you healthy and fit by making you energetic and stress free. Helpful in achieving success and reach your Goal. So practice Yoga to get healthy successful life. It also teaches about social behaviour means how to behave in society among one another. It is also helpful in making healthy society.
Yama - External discpline
Yama - It is a first step to practice Yoga. It teaches about the disciplinary conduct with society. These habits are useful to make your mind spiritual and develop healthy relationship with society. It keeps your mind away from unhealthy thoughts. In this section of Yoga there are five conducts.
These are-
1. Ahimsa (Non-violence)- The word Ahimsa is made from two words ‘A’ and ‘Hinsa’, the meaning of ‘a’ is not and the meaning of ‘Hinsa’ is to harm. So the word Ahimsa means not to harm anybody. To develop the habit not to harm anybody in the society. It will bring peace in the society and a step forward to spiritual life.
2. Satya (Truthfulness)- Satya means truth or rightness in your life. Do not hide your fault but accept it as your mistake and try to correct it or improve it. Have faith in truth. Truth is a power and give you success in your life. There is no shortcuts to achieve success but the right planning ,right thinking and the right way to do can make easy to achieve your success. It brings purity in your mind and lead second step towards spiritual life.
3. Astey (Non-stealing)- The word ‘Stey’ means stealing and the pre fix ‘A’ meant not. So Astey means non stealing. Stealing is a conduct when you take some ones thing without taking his permission or unknowingly. By stealing some ones thing you are harming him financially and giving pain psychologically. Peoples steal due to his greedy nature. By quitting greedy nature you can overcome this habit and develop self sufficient and give feeling of completeness and pleasure. Astey is the third step moving towards spiritual life.
4. Brahmacharya (Moderating the senses) – The literal meaning of Brahmacharya is behaviour to get God consciousness. It is the practice to discipline your senses. Do not get indulge in sensual pleasure but make yourself free from them. It make your mind more spiritual, give inner energy and determination to achieve your goal. It upgrade a step forward to spiritual life.
5. Aprigrah (Non-Possessiveness)- Aprigrah means do not store or acquire the things that you have no use or in excess number or mass quantity. It will develop possessiveness in yourself. It will be difficult for you to detached from these materialistic things. If you use these things for the betterment of society rather then to store for yourself. It will give you inner pleasure and satisfaction. It also give you name and fame in your society. It is the fifth disciplinary conduct for you to the society.
Niyam - Internal discpline
Ashana - Posture
Pranayam - Breath control
Pratyahara - Withdrawl of senses
Dharana - Concentration
Dhyan - Meditative absorption
Samadhi - Spiritual Enlightment